The Hackers World

In a digital age, where your Facebook profile can dictate your brand worth more than your net-value can, there exist individuals at large who may put you and your business in a position you do not want to be in.  These scarily obsessive, absurdly brainy, and endlessly inventive people known as hackers—brilliant programmers who discovered a world of possibility within the coded confines of a

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computer—are the key players in a sweeping digital pandemic.

Institutions which would like to be considered infallible include international stock markets, major corporations and international banks. They have fallen victim to the attacks of highly proficient hackers.  If you’re thinking of heavily accented men with chiseled jaw lines in Tom Ford suits living in penthouses filled with every Apple product known to man—you are wrong.  Hackers are amongst the most focused and non-materialistic individuals to have ever wielded such power.

However, not all hackers are bad, and if it were not for these dedicated individuals, the speed at which technology evolves would not be anywhere near as fast as it is today: early MIT hackers realized it was possible to use computers for what we now call word processing (Their initial program was called Expensive Typewriter, appropriate since the one machine it ran on cost $120,000).

Hackers also invented the digital videogame; the rebel engineers of the Homebrew Computer Club in Silicon Valley were the first to take advantage of new low-cost chips to build personal computers.  They may have begun as a fringe cohort, but hackers have consistently alchemized the hard math of Moore’s law into a relentless series of technological advances that changed the world and touched all of our lives.

Here are some of the most dangerous hackers on the planet:



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Hacked Many Govertmnets Websites Like

That Persone Is Wanted In FBI from 2013

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